- #Show me doom ii hell on earth level 3 mod#
- #Show me doom ii hell on earth level 3 full#
- #Show me doom ii hell on earth level 3 Pc#
Overview: The new enemies which were added added alot of variety to the game.

Definitely turn off jumping/crouching though as they can mess up the flow of some of the levels.ĩh 3m Played+New enemies are huge and varied +Game set up to reward changing up weaponry +Large amount of enmies on screen at once with the ability to cause infighting -Level design can be confusing -Platforming without jumping -Trigger boxes are smaller then they need be. I found GZDoom to be a good mix of classic Doom with some extra settings to play around with.
#Show me doom ii hell on earth level 3 Pc#
While the nostalgia definitely does effect my overall feeling of the game, the Doom games were what really pulled me into PC gaming from the consoles back in the early 90s, I still think that so far the games are holding up very well, especially with all the source ports you can use these days.

The game play is just so classic and feels so rewarding as you move from level to level mowing down hundreds of enemies with the iconic FPS weapons.
#Show me doom ii hell on earth level 3 full#
I would 100% recommend any gamer to do a full play through of Doom 2, whether it's something that you played back when it originally came out or if this is your first time I think anyone would have a lot of fun.
#Show me doom ii hell on earth level 3 mod#
After playing through all of the Doom games I may go back through them with the Brutal Doom mod to check that out as I've only just taken a little bit of a look at it and it looks like it significantly changes the game. I did try to 100% every level and I think all I missed was maybe 1 or 2 enemies and a handful of items playing through all of the levels.

I could have upped the difficulty but I'm just not as into that much twitch game play anymore as I near my 40s and settled for a challenging but not too hard game. I do like the regular music for the game but after playing through Sigil in The Ultimate Doom with the Sigil Shreds WAD I had a craving for some harder metal music and the Doom Metal Vol 5 WAD I found was perfect for what I was looking for. I played around a bit with Chocolate/Crispy Doom as well but ended up sticking with GZDoom for the full play through. Having the different source ports the bring the look/graphics a little more modern helps a lot too, although I definitely set everything I could to make sure that the pixels were crisp and really stood out. I always liked how Doom 2 was a full play though of levels versus the episodes in original Doom. The fast paced action, new weapon and enemies, and the little bit more of a story with Earth and Hell really just pull everything together into what I feel like is a timeless game. Doom 2 was actually the first I played of the Doom series back in 1994 and I ended up going back to the original Doom afterwards. I remember playing Doom 2 back when it was released, being blown away by the graphics at the time, calling up my friends' modems for some of my first deathmatch experiences, and playing through the single-player levels over and over late into the night.

While I had a lot of fun with The Ultimate Doom it was Doom 2 that really hit all of the nostalgia buttons for me as I remembered a lot of the levels quite well so many years later. I'm working my way back through all of the official Doom games/expansions and going back to Doom 2 was definitely a treat. 9h 32m PlayedI played through on Hurt Me Plenty with GZDoom (always mouse look, no jumping/crouching) and Doom Metal Vol 5 for music.